1) Clean out your gutters and downspouts. Free flowing gutters/ downspouts will prevent icicles and ice dams from forming causing possible damage to your roof.

2) Replace your furnace filter every 3 months. (This is really a year round tip)

3) Make sure all air returns are free and clear. Keeping them unblocked is vital to your furnace working effectively.

4) Replace weather stripping around exterior doors.

5) Caulk interior and exterior windows, doors, and siding gaps.

6) Use a programmable thermostat to reduce heating cost when no one is home.

7) Revise the direction (clock-wise) of ceiling fans to push hot air back down and delay its escape.

8) Uncover south facing windows to allow sunlight into the home.

9) Turn off water to outside spigots. If they are needed during the winter months, consider installing frost proof spouts.

10) Wrap hot water pipes in unheated areas of the house with insulation, also wrap cold water pipes in unheated areas to help prevent them from freezing.

11) Reinsulate your attic. If your home is more than 30 years old, most likely the attic is under insulated and any that is there has lost its' value. Today's code calls for a minimum of R-30 (9" of Batts). Remember, hot air rises.


These are a few items that can help you and your home get through this winter in comfort. Before we know it we will all be doing spring clean up. At least that is what I keep telling myself.

The warm weather of December couldn't last long enough as we all deal with the cold and digging ourselves out of the snow. Those delightfully warm days seem forever ago. With the late arrival of winter days I'm sure a lot of us put off winterizing our homes. I'd like to say I was on top of it, but I too needed the cold snap to remind me winter has arrived. Here are a few tips to winterize your home before relaxing by the fire.

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